The Discovery Orchestra

56 degree wine authentic artisanal wines

April 29, 2018: Discover the Joy of Corelli Wine Pull

The Discovery Orchestra Wine Pull is back this year by popular demand! Our Discover the Joy of Corelli Patrons’ Dinner will once again feature a Wine Pull – will you…

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May 19, 2018: Fall in Love with More Musical Masterworks

Saturday, May 19, 2018 ~ 10 am-1 pm (includes lunch) New Jersey Youth Symphony Music Center, New Providence, NJ Join Maestro Maull for an exploration of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No….

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June 10, 2018: Sumptuous Strings – The Dorothy Dillon Allen Intimate Afternoon

The American String Quartet Sunday, June 10, 2018 ~ 3:00pm Far Hills, NJ Residence Be swept away by the romantic music of Antonon Dvorak (String Quartet, Opus 96, No.12, “American”…

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Attention Span Remaining 2 minutes, 27 seconds Mug

Our Sagging, Flabby Attention Spans

Anne Quito, design and architecture reporter for Quartz recently wrote an excellent article, headlined: The classical music concert is a vital workout for our sagging, flabby attention spans. Anne puts…

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From Anhedonia to Bliss

Anhedonia – now there’s a word for you. Did I hear you say it’s not one you use frequently? Neither do I. But it’s an important one. Anhedonia (notice the…

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An Afternoon with The Discovery Orchestra

Last season’s Discover Dueling Pianists was so well received that there was no question among our staff that we would repeat this event in 2016-17. What was especially gratifying this…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School