
Discover a Taste of Rossini, Virtual Wine Tasting 7 Music Program

Wine Tasting – Discover a Taste of Rossini

Swirl. Smell. Sip. Repeat! Join us for a virtual wine tasting with Wine Master Chris Cree followed by a music listening lesson with Maestro Maull.

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All on the Same Page

It’s gratifying, and important actually, to know that the people you work with are all on the same page. Perhaps that sounds elementary and obvious, but if you think about…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 41 – Name That Timbre Part 3

This one might fool you! Can you identify this instrument? See if you can!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 35 – Name That Timbre Part 2

Learn to identify one of the less common instrument timbres out there!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 30 – What’s Funny? Episode 1

Maestro Maull shares a couple of his favorite humorous, musical moments in Discovery Chat 30 – What’s Funny Episode 1. Watch and listen to Chat 32 Watch and listen to…

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You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}

— Jethro Gómez Rodriguez, Australia