The Discovery Orchestra

Not Your Father’s Music

“Hey dad, your music sounds so old fashioned!” Now there’s a nice Father’s Day greeting! Not! Even famous musician fathers have not been able to escape this kind of abuse…

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Discover Beethoven’s 5th Television Show Wins Three Telly Awards

We are pleased to announce that our television show, Discover Beethoven’s 5th ,has won two 2011 Telly Awards, one in the cultural category and one in the education category! Additionally,…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 70 – All That Jazz Part 1

Guest artists jazz pianist Dan Crisci, drummer Steve Holloway, and Bob Funesti on bass join George Marriner Maull in this first of four jazzy chats! Watch and listen to Chat…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 69 – DARKNESS TO LIGHTNESS

Music – like our feeling states – can change on a dime! Find out how Mahler did this in his Symphony No. 1.  

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

My apologies for the ‘sounds of silence’ since my June 30th entry. My brain’s been seeking but not finding more answers to the decline in classical concert attendance. In this…

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June 10, 2012: Intimate Afternoon – Discover the Blues

Sunday, June 10, 2012, 3:00 pm Discover the Blues Maplewood, NJ Residence The Robert Ross Band “Robert Ross is one of the most impressive young bluesmen around.” David Hinckley, NY…

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Your “listening guide” amazes me, in that it is a means of illustrating the role of various instrumental sections in communicating and “telling” a story. My background is science and technology so the 1 -1 ½ hours listening to a symphony with your presentation was an exciting learning experience I was not expecting.You are an exceptional talent and personality to be able to introduce someone like myself to the very complicated language of a symphony.

— Outreach Program Attendee