Featured Instrument N-Z

Discovery Orchestra Chat 140  – Noticing Dynamics

Discovery Orchestra Chat 140 – Noticing Dynamics

One of the elements of music is dynamics, which is the use of loudness and softness for expressive, inflective purposes. In this Chat, Maestro Maull asks you to notice how…

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The Opening Chord Revisited

I’ve been blogging now for a little over three years. I sometimes wonder if anyone out there has actually been reading them. To recapitulate, as we’d say in sonata form,…

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New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet

Ear Worms

This revolting term actually has a specific musical meaning! Wikipedia states: “An ear worm, sometimes also known as a brain worm, (that sounds even worse to me) is a catchy…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 138 – Ravel String Quartet Part 4

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this final Chat in the series! Watch and listen to Chat 135, Part 1 Watch…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 137 – Ravel String Quartet Part 3

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this third of four Discovery Orchestra Chats. Watch and listen to Chat 135, Part 1…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 136 – Ravel String Quartet Part 2

Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this second of four Discovery Orchestra Chats. Watch and listen to Chat 135, Part 1…

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I was delighted to hear George Marriner Maull’s “Inside Music” when he discussed how to listen to and enjoy Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the 4th movement. To have the words of the choral Ode to Joy translated and explained (word for word) was enlightening and inspiring as well. And to learn all the intricacies of the music itself was fascinating.

— Inside Music radio listener