Discovery Orchestra Chat 4 – Did You Say Modal?
What exactly does modal refer to? Find out in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!
What exactly does modal refer to? Find out in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!
New and improved! We have re-edited our first Chats – same great content, but all spic and span now. Have a look at Chat #1 ! What is a musical…
When people talk or write about classical music they often resort to very descriptive, flowery adjective-filled prose. And we perhaps can get from this a sense of how a given…
Your “listening guide” amazes me, in that it is a means of illustrating the role of various instrumental sections in communicating and “telling” a story. My background is science and technology so the 1 -1 ½ hours listening to a symphony with your presentation was an exciting learning experience I was not expecting.You are an exceptional talent and personality to be able to introduce someone like myself to the very complicated language of a symphony.