
Discovery Orchestra Chat 38 – Moods

Invisible, wordless communication! Explore one of music’s most magical aspects!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 30 – What’s Funny? Episode 1

Maestro Maull shares a couple of his favorite humorous, musical moments in Discovery Chat 30 – What’s Funny Episode 1. Watch and listen to Chat 32 Watch and listen to…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 18 – How Fast Can You Play?

Virtuosity can sometimes be measured by how fast a performer can play in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 9 – What is Maullaria?

It’s a play on words – the state induced in Maestro Maull by active music listening – he hopes you catch it!

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Thank you so much for inviting us to attend the Saint-Saens “Organ Symphony” recording session. I have always enjoyed listening to this work. As is always the case, your tutorial was excellent! I cannot believe how much more I now know about the “Organ Symphony”. And with more understanding comes a better appreciation. The Discovery Orchestra is much bigger than I remember. Their performance was excellent and truly exciting! A really big pipe organ performed by Mark Miller further enhanced the entire listening experience.

— Earle Eaton, Recording Engineer of our predecessor entity the Philharmonic Orchestra of New Jersey