Ear Worms
This revolting term actually has a specific musical meaning! Wikipedia states: “An ear worm, sometimes also known as a brain worm, (that sounds even worse to me) is a catchy…
Maestro Maull explores Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this second of four Discovery Orchestra Chats. Watch and listen to Chat 135, Part 1…
Please don’t all shout at once! I can hear the comments now: “But you always say that listening to classical music is in and of itself a completely worthwhile experience….
Maestro Maull explores the first two movements of Ravel’s String Quartet featuring the New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet in this first of four Discovery Orchestra Chats. Watch and listen…
This has been an incredible series. I could take in SO much more than I could at the beginning ones. You have really trained my ears!!! I have been enjoying classical music for more than 60 years (as a child my parents played classical music at dinner and we guessed the composer) but I NEVER knew how to listen before!