Discovery Orchestra Chat 21 – Subtle Gestures
Another aspect of musical virtuosity is on display in this Chat – the art of subtle gestures. Featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.
Another aspect of musical virtuosity is on display in this Chat – the art of subtle gestures. Featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.
How are we to digest the news that one of the greatest orchestras in the United States and the world has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection? How especially are…
Virtuosity can sometimes be measured by how fast a performer can play in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.
You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}