Oct 1, 2023

Quest 9 is now available

ANNOUNCING OUR NEW GAME APP: AHA! Classical is a fun way to learn to listen to classical music with Maestro Maull. Download the app in the Google or Apple app stores and go on Quests that earn you Notes & Extras. Dive deeper into Listening Guides and follow along with The Discovery Orchestra to change how you listen! Developed with our partners at Social Impact Studios!

NEW QUEST 9 & Listening Guide

Vivaldi’s “Winter” from The Four Seasons

In the latest game quest on AHA! Classical, challenge yourself with thought-provoking questions like: How does a mordent differ from a trill? or How does Vivaldi portray a “cruel blast of wind” through the solo violin?

Explore the artistry and details that make classical music captivating. Download or update the app now to start playing!

AHA! Classical is free! It’s available both online (at ahaclassical.com) and for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play. You can create an account now and start playing!