
Discovery Orchestra Chat 56 – Treat Yourself to Bach

Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto #4 is featured in this chat. Heighten your listening by following TDO’s listening guide!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 55 – Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Thrill to Handel’s most well-known chorus as you follow our listening guide!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 54 – How fast can you sing?

Can you sing a fast melisma? Listen to The Discovery Orchestra Chorus breeze through the melismas of this chorus from Handel’s Messiah.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 53 – Follow the 5th!

Here’s an opportunity to listen to Movement I of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 as you follow TDO’s listening guide!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 52 – Discover Brahms, Part 5

In this fifth of a five-part series, Maestro Maull explores Brahms’ Rhapsodie Op. 79, No 2 in G Minor with pianist Christopher Johnson. Watch and listen to Chat 48, Part…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 51 – Discover Brahms Part 4

In this fourth of a five-part series, Maestro Maull explores Brahms’ Rhapsodie Op. 79, No 2 in G Minor with pianist Christopher Johnson. Watch and listen to Chat 48, Part…

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You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}

— Jethro Gómez Rodriguez, Australia