Daniel Levitin

From Anhedonia to Bliss

Anhedonia – now there’s a word for you. Did I hear you say it’s not one you use frequently? Neither do I. But it’s an important one. Anhedonia (notice the…

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New Jersey Youth Symphony String Quartet

Ear Worms

This revolting term actually has a specific musical meaning! Wikipedia states: “An ear worm, sometimes also known as a brain worm, (that sounds even worse to me) is a catchy…

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I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderful afternoon. We LOVED the concert/presentation. It was exceptional and meaningful for both of us. I especially loved the piano. I had no idea it was piano that I heard when listening to the piece. I always thought it was a harp for some reason. It reminded me of water…..I cried just a little hearing that beautiful music. Thank you for giving us some culture and life after Covid!

— Attendees of the taping of Discover Saint-Saëns’ “Organ” Symphony