Discovery Orchestra Chat

Discovery Orchestra Chat 19 – Stealing Time

Beat varies in speed in some compositions – learn more in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 18 – How Fast Can You Play?

Virtuosity can sometimes be measured by how fast a performer can play in this Chat featuring Brannon Cho, cellist and Marcia Maull, pianist.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 8 – Texture Part 3

Part 3 in this series of Chats on musical texture! Watch and listen to Chat 5, Part 1. Watch and listen to Chat 6, Part 2. Sign up here to…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 7 – Cadence

What exactly is cadence in music? Find out in this Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 6 – Texture Part 2

Learn more about musical texture in this Chat! Watch and listen to Chat 5, Part 1. Watch and listen to Chat 8, Part 3. Sign up here to receive our…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 5 – Texture Part 1

All music has texture – find out what the different kinds are in this Discovery Orchestra Chat! Watch and listen to Chat 6, Part 2. Watch and listen to Chat…

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Thank you so much for inviting us to attend the Saint-Saens “Organ Symphony” recording session. I have always enjoyed listening to this work. As is always the case, your tutorial was excellent! I cannot believe how much more I now know about the “Organ Symphony”. And with more understanding comes a better appreciation. The Discovery Orchestra is much bigger than I remember. Their performance was excellent and truly exciting! A really big pipe organ performed by Mark Miller further enhanced the entire listening experience.

— Earle Eaton, Recording Engineer of our predecessor entity the Philharmonic Orchestra of New Jersey