Monthly Blog

What People are Saying about The Discovery Orchestra image with talking bubbles and musical notes.

Shout-Outs from Our Viewers and Listeners Around the World

We’ve received feedback from a number of the, by now, more than six million* individuals who have watched our Discovery Concerts™  distributed by American Public Television, viewed our YouTube Discovery…

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Maestro's Monthly Blog: Happy 50th Anniversary ASQ!

Happy 50th Anniversary ASQ!

One of the premiere professional string quartets actively performing on the worldwide stage, the American String Quartet is celebrating its 50th Anniversary Season this year, and The Discovery Orchestra has…

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Marvelous job, Maestro, as always! Thank you for doing such a splendid, insightful and careful deep-dive into the art and craftsmanship that Tchaikovsky, after much effort, put into creating this work. There really is no greater portrayal of young love in music than his Romeo and Juliet, and your thoughtfulness demonstrates it so admirably.

— Chat Video Listener