The Discovery Orchestra

Ways to De-Stress

Sometimes the world seems so nuts to me that I can hardly stand it. Without detailing the news of the moment, suffice it to say that I find myself not…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 140  – Noticing Dynamics

Discovery Orchestra Chat 140 – Noticing Dynamics

One of the elements of music is dynamics, which is the use of loudness and softness for expressive, inflective purposes. In this Chat, Maestro Maull asks you to notice how…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 139 – Practice Listening

How can you practice “listening”? Find out in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!  

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Birthday Cake

Birthday Blog

Birthday girl, birthday boy, birthday cake. . .I thought why not birthday blog! It’s true. October is my birthday month, and I know that many other people share it including…

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Get a Job!

One of my favorite songs, growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s, was Get A Job by The Silhouettes. I’m proud of the fact that The Silhouettes were from Philadelphia,…

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What Can You Notice?

This blog is actually an assignment. My music listening students ask me on occasion: “What can I do to practice active, perceptive listening?” This is a good question, and I…

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This has been an incredible series. I could take in SO much more than I could at the beginning ones. You have really trained my ears!!! I have been enjoying classical music for more than 60 years (as a child my parents played classical music at dinner and we guessed the composer) but I NEVER knew how to listen before!

— Attendee of NJPAC Classical Conversations with Maestro Maull