Blog Post 50! Where We’ve Been
Fifty blog posts – wow! Seems like a lot to me, but I realize that for people who have been blogging for quite some time, fifty is a mere drop…
Fifty blog posts – wow! Seems like a lot to me, but I realize that for people who have been blogging for quite some time, fifty is a mere drop…
How is the beat, or pulse, of a piece of music organized? In this Chat, Maestro Maull will help you detect the underlying beat in For Unto Us a Child…
The hunt continues! Find the underlying pulse, or beat, in a piece of music. Maestro Maull uses Handel’s Pifa (Pastorale) from Messiah to illustrate. Watch and listen to Chat 112,…
How is the beat, or pulse, of a piece of music organized? Is it organized in groups of 2’s, 3’s, 4’s? In this Chat, Maestro Maull will help you detect…
Often I find myself in a state of awe with this question: “How on earth does someone create a piece of music that can – one or two hundred years…
You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}