
Shall We Dance? Some Homework

Maurice Ravel wrote the following words about his composition La valse, po̬me chorÌographique pour orchestre: “Through whirling clouds, waltzing couples may be fairly distinguished. The clouds gradually scatter: one sees…

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Secrets of Conducting

We know what you’re thinking! Who is “we?” We conductors know what many audience members are thinking when you attend our performances. From your perspective, it looks like a lion…

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A Visit To The Chorus School

Two years ago – almost to the day – I blogged about visiting the Newark Boys Chorus School in New Jersey. As a former choirboy, these visits are always special…

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Musician Humor

A few blog posts ago I let some of you in on ‘conductor humor.’ I say ‘some of you’ because there are undoubtedly ‘others of you’ who may have already…

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Fifty Shades of Grey: the Classical Album, Music selected by author E L James

Take Help When. . .And Where You Can Get It!

“Listening to music is an indispensable element in civil life, though it is often neglected. I am convinced that there is not only an aesthetic value in music: its intrinsic…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 41 – Name That Timbre Part 3

This one might fool you! Can you identify this instrument? See if you can!

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I cannot thank you enough for such a wonderful afternoon. We LOVED the concert/presentation. It was exceptional and meaningful for both of us. I especially loved the piano. I had no idea it was piano that I heard when listening to the piece. I always thought it was a harp for some reason. It reminded me of water…..I cried just a little hearing that beautiful music. Thank you for giving us some culture and life after Covid!

— Attendees of the taping of Discover Saint-Saëns’ “Organ” Symphony