Hector Berlioz

Discovery Orchestra Chat 145 – Goosebumps City

Have you ever gotten goosebumps listening to classical music? In this Chat, Maestro Maull brings you three of his favorite “goosebumps moments”. Tune in to see what his favorites are…

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Danse Macabre and Other Works for Solo Piano, Camille Saint-Saens

Halloween Candy

Sometime before Halloween, The Discovery Orchestra will post a photo on Facebook that purports to have me in the picture. It does, in fact, have a nine-year-old George Marriner Maull…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 105 – Interpretation

The content of a piece of classical music has been fixed since it was finished by the composer who wrote it. But what about the words “Moderately Fast” or “Loud”…

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This has been an incredible series. I could take in SO much more than I could at the beginning ones. You have really trained my ears!!! I have been enjoying classical music for more than 60 years (as a child my parents played classical music at dinner and we guessed the composer) but I NEVER knew how to listen before!

— Attendee of NJPAC Classical Conversations with Maestro Maull