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Image of our core values which can be found on our website's homepage in the footer - there is a link to the Core Values document

Maestro’s Monthly Blog

More than a decade ago—in 2011—The Discovery Orchestra adopted a set of Core Values. It’s a topic that sounds like it could be boring. Far from it, here is what…

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Radio Show Inside Music episode entitled Race to the Finish Line, featuring Movement IV of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4

Our Latest “Inside Music” Episode Now Available

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is famous for many things––not the least of which was his ability to write incredibly exciting moments of symphonic music. In this episode of Inside Music, Maestro…

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New episode of Inside Music Title is "The Peaceful Bach" featuring Movement II of Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major

The Peaceful Bach

In this episode of Inside Music, host George Marriner Maull explores Movement II of Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major. Many people know this music as the Air on the…

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Maestro's blog for January 2025 called "New Jersey Youth Symphony and Violins of Hope" with pictures of Helen Cha-Pyo, Amnon Weinstein and Maestro Maull with Paul Kling.

Violins of Hope: A Profound Musical Journey

I wish that everyone I know in New Jersey and in New York City could have attended the lecture and performance that my wife Marcia and I were present for…

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Maestro's Monthly Blog entitled "Have You Seen This Man" which refers to two side-by-side pictures. In the one picture is Maestro Maull and his brother Howard as children with Santa. The other picture is Maestro Maull as an adult dressed as Santa.

Have You Seen This Man?

Of course, you have! On the left, you have me with Santa Claus in 1952, with my older brother Howard as my backup, making sure that Santa got my list…

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Maestro's Blog: Halloween Candy Encore. There are 3 pictures: George Marriner Maull and his older brother, Frederick Howard Maull, on a June Sunday morning in 1960. They’re standing in the churchyard of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church (also pictured separately) at 3rd and Pine Streets in Philadelphia, which opened its doors for services in 1761. Last photo was taken at the school’s 1956 Annual Halloween Party. On the far left in that picture, we have someone in a voodoo mask of sorts, playing a very small drum. Next to him is “Mr. Clean” in his traditional arms-folded pose. The third choirboy has covered his entire countenance with a wig. And finally, on the far right, we have a stereotypical pipe-smoking “hip” guy of the 1950’s.

Halloween Candy Encore

In the color photo on the left are choristers George Marriner Maull and his older brother, Frederick Howard Maull, on a June Sunday morning in 1960. They’re standing in the…

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You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}

— Jethro Gómez Rodriguez, Australia