
The Rite of Spring, a ballet by Stravinsky

It’s Right for Spring!  Encore

High school music students come up with some pretty funny answers to test questions from time to time. One of my personal favorites was the answer given to: “Name Igor…

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Stravinsky – The Rite of Spring

Saturday, November 14, 2020. NJPAC Virtual Lecture. Free on Zoom. Featuring Maestro George Marriner Maull.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 41 – Name That Timbre Part 3

This one might fool you! Can you identify this instrument? See if you can!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 40 – Aspects of Melody

Can this melody be sung…. or not?

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The Elephant in the Room

My last entry focused on concert hall acoustics and their possible impact on attendance at symphony orchestra concerts. Today I want to address the ‘elephant in the room.’ A good…

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Your “listening guide” amazes me, in that it is a means of illustrating the role of various instrumental sections in communicating and “telling” a story. My background is science and technology so the 1 -1 ½ hours listening to a symphony with your presentation was an exciting learning experience I was not expecting.You are an exceptional talent and personality to be able to introduce someone like myself to the very complicated language of a symphony.

— Outreach Program Attendee