WWFM The Classical Network

image of our radio show "Inside Music" episode entitled "Why Do They Write That Way?" with host George Marriner Maull

Why Do They Write That Way?

Maestro Maull jumps headlong into the dissonant writing of early 20th Century composers. . .from the perspective of asking what their motivations for composing in such a fashion might be….

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Inside Music: Pedal Point

Pedal Point City

This harmonic device has been used for hundreds of years and derives its name from a compositional practice employed by church organist-composers like Bach. In this episode George Marriner Maull…

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Inside Music: Camille saint Saens, Organ Symphony

3-2-1 Blast Off

The psychological skill of elaboration – the ability to develop an idea or create variations of an idea – is explored in the Finale of Symphony No. 3 by Camille…

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Inside Music: Scared ya Didn't I, Brahms' Symphony No. 2

Scared ya Didn’t I?

Composer Johannes Brahms knew well the shock effect of sudden dynamic changes. George Marriner Maull exposes this Brahms trait as found in Movement 4 of Brahms’s Symphony No. 2. Inside…

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The Point

Host George Marriner Maull uses Claude Debussy’s La Mer, Movement 2, to illustrate a favorite concept of composer Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rachmaninoff believed that every movement of music had a moment…

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WWFM, The Classical Network

Thou Shalt Not

The intense feelings associated with forbidden love – in this case between a woman and her brother-in-law – are given musical voice in Gabriel Faure’s romantic Suite from Pelleas et…

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I was delighted to hear George Marriner Maull’s “Inside Music” when he discussed how to listen to and enjoy Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the 4th movement. To have the words of the choral Ode to Joy translated and explained (word for word) was enlightening and inspiring as well. And to learn all the intricacies of the music itself was fascinating.

— Inside Music radio listener