Discovery Concert Live on the Radio: Be part of our live audience!
Friday, March 14, 2025
8:00 – 10:00 PM
Princeton Seminary Chapel, 64 Mercer St, Princeton, NJ
Join Maestro Maull, composer and clarinetist Virginia Johnston, and pianist Enriqueta Somarriba for a special live broadcast of Inside Music as they explore Virginia Johnston’s Dance from her Suite for Clarinet and Piano. The broadcast will include a special interview with Ms. Somarriba and Ms. Johnston, and will conclude with an audience Q&A session. Produced in partnership with WWFM—The Classical Network.
Sponsored by Bruce & Carla Hogg and Steven Reynolds.
This is a complimentary event, but registration is required! Registration link coming soon!
Directions and campus map. Note the Seminary Chapel is labeled as building “N”. Princeton area map.
The Discovery Orchestra makes every effort to accommodate the needs of individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities for all its programs and activities as well as at its administrative office. Upon request, and with 2 weeks’ notice, specific accommodations will be made subject to our available resources for live events. Large print programs, braille materials and audio described services are available with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice. Additional accessibility information.