Composer A-B

Inside Music: Beethoven's 9th Symphony Part 2

Beethoven’s 9th – the Last 10 Minutes Part 2

Maestro Maull continues to reference text painting as he looks at Beethoven’s incredible ability to make Friedrich Schiller’s words so much more powerful than they would be were they just…

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Inside Music: Not a Bang but a Gentle Goodbye

Gentle Goodbyes

The first and final movements of many symphonies and concertos end with a bang! “Send them home on a high note!” But that is not universally the case. George Marriner…

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image of our radio show "Inside Music" episode entitled "Why Do They Write That Way?" with host George Marriner Maull

Why Do They Write That Way?

Maestro Maull jumps headlong into the dissonant writing of early 20th Century composers. . .from the perspective of asking what their motivations for composing in such a fashion might be….

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Inside Music: Pedal Point

Pedal Point City

This harmonic device has been used for hundreds of years and derives its name from a compositional practice employed by church organist-composers like Bach. In this episode George Marriner Maull…

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Past Event-Virtual Classical Conversation: Beethoven The Agony and The Ectasy

April 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM ETNJPAC Virtual Free Event Join us for a special Zoom event exploring Beethoven’s Symphony No.3 (Eroica) and Symphony No.5, which will be performed next…

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Inside Music: Carnival of Sound

Carnival of Sound

Hector Berlioz’s incredible skill in orchestration is highlighted by George Marriner Maull in this “sound extravaganza.” Berlioz’s mastery of the musical element of dynamics is also on full display! Inside…

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What a great idea to do this. It looks and sounds fantastic. I LOVED the music, the animated lettering and the design for Notes from Under the Piano…It takes a special gift to transform the written word into the spoken word…And the length is perfect, left me wanting more…

— ‘Notes from Under the Piano’ viewer