
Discovery Orchestra Chat 123 – Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 Part 2

Maestro Maull continues the exploration of the 4th movement of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 in this second of eight Discovery Orchestra Chats on the piece! Watch and listen to Chat…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 122 – Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 Part 1

Maestro Maull begins the exploration of the 4th and final movement of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4 in this first of eight Discovery Orchestra Chats on the piece! Watch and listen…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 114 – Holiday Meters Part 3

How is the beat, or pulse, of a piece of music organized? In this Chat, Maestro Maull will help you detect the underlying beat in For Unto Us a Child…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 112 – Holiday Meters Part 1

How is the beat, or pulse, of a piece of music organized? Is it organized in groups of 2’s, 3’s, 4’s? In this Chat, Maestro Maull will help you detect…

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Danse Macabre and Other Works for Solo Piano, Camille Saint-Saens

Halloween Candy

Sometime before Halloween, The Discovery Orchestra will post a photo on Facebook that purports to have me in the picture. It does, in fact, have a nine-year-old George Marriner Maull…

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Pictures of Dr. Saul Feinberg & Maestro Maull

A Visit with Saul

Last week I had the great pleasure of spending four hours with Dr. Saul Feinberg, my mentor, guru, high school piano teacher, and friend of fifty-three years. Saul is now…

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Your “listening guide” amazes me, in that it is a means of illustrating the role of various instrumental sections in communicating and “telling” a story. My background is science and technology so the 1 -1 ½ hours listening to a symphony with your presentation was an exciting learning experience I was not expecting.You are an exceptional talent and personality to be able to introduce someone like myself to the very complicated language of a symphony.

— Outreach Program Attendee