
megaphone, Cheer

Something To Cheer About!

We’ve written about our educational television shows before, and we’re proud of the number of viewers who according to Nielsen Ratings have seen each of them here in the United…

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Undivided Attention

If You Build It. . .They May Not Come

Picture a brand new performing arts center; the orchestra is tuned and ready to play a magnificent symphony; the lights dim. But what if there was no audience? It could…

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I was delighted to hear George Marriner Maull’s “Inside Music” when he discussed how to listen to and enjoy Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the 4th movement. To have the words of the choral Ode to Joy translated and explained (word for word) was enlightening and inspiring as well. And to learn all the intricacies of the music itself was fascinating.

— Inside Music radio listener