Bach to the Future

How Can We Understand Classical Music?

Laura Phillips Ward, who maintains The Discovery Orchestra’s twitter account @AhaClassical, recently forwarded me a tweet from Sweden! “How can I understand classical music I guess is the question.” This…

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Image of Danny Ailo, Sandy Aillo, and George Marriner Maull

Emmy Reflections

Yes, it was disappointing not to win the Emmy. At The Discovery Orchestra we at times lulled ourselves into magically thinking that the proverbial ‘third time would be a charm.’…

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Not Your Father’s Music

“Hey dad, your music sounds so old fashioned!” Now there’s a nice Father’s Day greeting! Not! Even famous musician fathers have not been able to escape this kind of abuse…

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I was delighted to hear George Marriner Maull’s “Inside Music” when he discussed how to listen to and enjoy Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the 4th movement. To have the words of the choral Ode to Joy translated and explained (word for word) was enlightening and inspiring as well. And to learn all the intricacies of the music itself was fascinating.

— Inside Music radio listener