Bach in Love
The Largo of the Concerto for Two Violins is a powerful profession of love. We know the two great loves of Johann Sebastian Bach. His wife Maria Barbara and he were married in 1707,…
The Largo of the Concerto for Two Violins is a powerful profession of love. We know the two great loves of Johann Sebastian Bach. His wife Maria Barbara and he were married in 1707,…
We all need a mental break from the Covid-19 Pandemic! Picture in your mind or Google a photo of where the prairie meets the Rocky Mountains or the Steppes of…
In my last blog post I wrote about The Discovery Orchestra’s many wonderful partners. I also referenced our first ever live radio broadcast from the WWFM studios, and that’s what…
Johannes Brahms’s ability to distort our sense of rhythm is always lying in wait. Turn the corner… and we suddenly lose our rhythmic balance, and Maestro Maull is certain that…
You are like the music teacher I never had! I devour your lessons. Thank you! {Refering to chat video Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo & Juliet Overture-Fantasy”, Part 1}