Featured Artists

Bank of America Classical Series

The Joys of Life

We all have joys of life – those people, occasions and activities that especially delight us. For me, one of the great joys is presenting the Bank of America Classical…

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Pictures of Dr. Saul Feinberg & Maestro Maull

A Visit with Saul

Last week I had the great pleasure of spending four hours with Dr. Saul Feinberg, my mentor, guru, high school piano teacher, and friend of fifty-three years. Saul is now…

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Are you Listening?

Classical Music Is So Relaxing!

Or is it? One of the things frequently said about classical music is: “I love classical music because it’s so relaxing!” When I encounter this observation I can only think…

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Laugh and Cry Sign

Whether to Laugh or Cry

Two recent items published on-line by the League of American Orchestras reminded me of the importance of allowing music to speak for itself – to deliver its own message. The…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 106 – A Taste of Mexico

Guitarist Celil Refik Kaya is back again to help Maestro Maull explore Manuel Ponce’s Scherzino Mexicano in this Discovery Orchestra Chat!

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 105 – Interpretation

The content of a piece of classical music has been fixed since it was finished by the composer who wrote it. But what about the words “Moderately Fast” or “Loud”…

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Today I watched an episode called “Discover Beethoven’s Fifth”, and it was marvelous! Maestro Maull and his talented orchestra gave me a one-hour thrill. I’ve always loved Beethoven, especially his Fifth Symphony. I studied piano for 7 years as a young person, and came to appreciate so many of the classical composers, but Beethoven’s Fifth has always thrilled me. I so appreciated the format of the program, and the Maestro involved all of us and taught us so much. Thank you for this fine program. And many thanks and praise to the orchestra! When the program ended, I clapped loudly and shouted “Bravo!! Bravo!!!”

— Judy Webb, Loveland Ohio