
Revolver, the Beatles

Classical Beatles

The WQXR* blog post Timeline: The Beatles Meet Classical Music contains a lot of interesting information regarding the evolution of The Beatles’ creative process that ultimately led them to integrate…

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How Can We Understand Classical Music?

Laura Phillips Ward, who maintains The Discovery Orchestra’s twitter account @AhaClassical, recently forwarded me a tweet from Sweden! “How can I understand classical music I guess is the question.” This…

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Fall In Love With What?

The script of our upcoming public television production Fall In Love With Music asks the question: “Would you give your undivided attention to a piece of music that has no…

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Just wondering. . .have you taken a look at our Discovery Orchestra Chats? This YouTube project began several years ago out of a desire at The Discovery Orchestra to provide…

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Vacation Listening

Do you take music with you when you go on vacation? I do, but then I am so addicted to listening to music that I cannot imagine going anywhere without…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 146 – Great Intros

Have you ever been to an event where someone introduced the featured speaker? That introduction can make or break how the audience reacts to the speaker. So it is with…

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Marvelous job, Maestro, as always! Thank you for doing such a splendid, insightful and careful deep-dive into the art and craftsmanship that Tchaikovsky, after much effort, put into creating this work. There really is no greater portrayal of young love in music than his Romeo and Juliet, and your thoughtfulness demonstrates it so admirably.

— Chat Video Listener