Featured Artists


Just wondering. . .have you taken a look at our Discovery Orchestra Chats? This YouTube project began several years ago out of a desire at The Discovery Orchestra to provide…

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Calling all Patrons’ Dinner Attendees – Want to Conduct The Discovery Orchestra?

Have you been waiting all your life to stand in front of an orchestra? Have you reserved your spot at our Patrons’ Dinner at Drew University this Sunday, April 19th?…

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Why Classical Music Is Still Cool!

Jon Levine, in a March 8, 2015 post on Music.Mic entitled: Why Isn’t Classical Music Cool Anymore? gives us three principal factors – Cost, Time and Alienation. I love those…

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Image of Dave Rimelis

Old Time Fiddling

Recently I had the great treat of spending some time with my colleague Dave Rimelis. Dave recorded a series of Discovery Orchestra Chats in which he demonstrated various types of…

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 154 – Old Time Fiddle

What makes “old time fiddling” sound the way it does? It’s all about the bowing technique! Find out more in this Discovery Orchestra Chat with guest artist Dave Rimelis.

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Discovery Orchestra Chat 153 – Blues Fiddle

Find out what makes blues fiddling sound the way it does in this Chat with guest artist Dave Rimelis!

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Today I watched an episode called “Discover Beethoven’s Fifth”, and it was marvelous! Maestro Maull and his talented orchestra gave me a one-hour thrill. I’ve always loved Beethoven, especially his Fifth Symphony. I studied piano for 7 years as a young person, and came to appreciate so many of the classical composers, but Beethoven’s Fifth has always thrilled me. I so appreciated the format of the program, and the Maestro involved all of us and taught us so much. Thank you for this fine program. And many thanks and praise to the orchestra! When the program ended, I clapped loudly and shouted “Bravo!! Bravo!!!”

— Judy Webb, Loveland Ohio