Intentional Acts of Kindness – 2nd Encore
Reflections on Jean Burgdorff’s Legacy. Memorial gatherings are always special occasions. When someone dear to us dies we often find ourselves unable to express everything we need to at the…
Reflections on Jean Burgdorff’s Legacy. Memorial gatherings are always special occasions. When someone dear to us dies we often find ourselves unable to express everything we need to at the…
Are you a radio listener? And, if you are, where are you when you are doing this? For many people the answer is: “Yes” to the first question and “in…
I know: ” You’re making a habit of this!” No, I will not. But in reading this ‘Thanksgiving Blog’ from 2012 I found some thoughts that I believe still have…
So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.