Happy 40th Anniversary NJYS!
The New Jersey Youth Symphony (NJYS) celebrated its 40th anniversary this weekend in Newark at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s Prudential Hall. The truth is…NJYS has been celebrating all…
The New Jersey Youth Symphony (NJYS) celebrated its 40th anniversary this weekend in Newark at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center’s Prudential Hall. The truth is…NJYS has been celebrating all…
“. . .We have never needed more urgently the emotional space that music – and classical music in particular – can provide.” So wrote Clemency Burton-Hill in a January 2018…
Reflections on Jean Burgdorff’s Legacy. Memorial gatherings are always special occasions. When someone dear to us dies we often find ourselves unable to express everything we need to at the…
Are you a radio listener? And, if you are, where are you when you are doing this? For many people the answer is: “Yes” to the first question and “in…
I know: ” You’re making a habit of this!” No, I will not. But in reading this ‘Thanksgiving Blog’ from 2012 I found some thoughts that I believe still have…
Thank you so much for inviting us to attend the Saint-Saens “Organ Symphony” recording session. I have always enjoyed listening to this work. As is always the case, your tutorial was excellent! I cannot believe how much more I now know about the “Organ Symphony”. And with more understanding comes a better appreciation. The Discovery Orchestra is much bigger than I remember. Their performance was excellent and truly exciting! A really big pipe organ performed by Mark Miller further enhanced the entire listening experience.