The Maestro’s Blog

Angels Unawares

It gave this nine-year-old choirboy a lot to think about. “Were there really angels showing up disguised as regular folks?” “Could they eat pizza and drink coke like the rest…

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Intentional Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are indeed wonderful events. You know the situation. . .you get up to the register in the restaurant to pay your bill and the cashier, gesturing,…

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Music Gives Me Goosebumps

Goosebumps City

Back in July Katherine Ellen Foley, a health and science reporter for Quartz wrote a wonderful article detailing the research and thoughts of Matthew Sachs, a grad student at the…

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Moon Landing

Moon Tempo

Moon tempo? Allow me to back up a bit, or rather a lot. During the summer of 1969 I performed the role of Henry Kleber, the music teacher of American…

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How Do I Listen? A Performer After My Own Heart!

Rachel Deloughrey, primephonic editor, interviewed violinist Augustin Hadelich on this very topic. The young superstar in the classical music world says some striking things: “When I perform violin concertos, they…

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Shall We Dance? Some Homework

Maurice Ravel wrote the following words about his composition La valse, po̬me chorÌographique pour orchestre: “Through whirling clouds, waltzing couples may be fairly distinguished. The clouds gradually scatter: one sees…

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So many reasons to thank you! I loved listening to your work with our students and especially seeing their engagement with you. Thank you for your support of this school. Your energy and your expertise make a difference.

— Paul Chapin, Head of Newark Boys Chorus School