Discovery Orchestra

Intentional Acts of Kindness – 2nd Encore

Reflections on Jean Burgdorff’s Legacy. Memorial gatherings are always special occasions. When someone dear to us dies we often find ourselves unable to express everything we need to at the…

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Turned Off or Turned On?

In his article for Music Australia entitled: What’s Turning Young People Off Classical Music Concerts? Graham Strahle poses the question “. . .what are the barriers that seem to be…

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Inside Music

Are you a radio listener? And, if you are, where are you when you are doing this? For many people the answer is: “Yes” to the first question and “in…

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Being Thankful – Encore 2018

I know: ” You’re making a habit of this!” No, I will not. But in reading this ‘Thanksgiving Blog’ from 2012 I found some thoughts that I believe still have…

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Intentional Acts of Kindness – Encore

Old blog posts, once written, become a ‘thought mining resource’ for me. I might be looking for some reference I made to a particular subject or person. . .perhaps an…

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Yes, I like classical music. No, I am not "old"

Not Their Thing

A recent search online connected me with an interesting 1984 article from the archives of The New York Times entitled, Education: Classical Music Not Their Thing. Gene I. Maeroff discusses…

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I just listened to the first episode of this (Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony) and can’t believe how fortunate I was to run across this on Prime. I have heard Maull lecture many times before performances and now here he is right on my computer screen and with the clearest of visual aids. I promise if you listen to one of these you will understand a piece as never before. And, I have discovered from past experiences with his lectures that I always listen to any given piece with a greater connection. These “home” viewings of Maull’s lectures are such a gift! Highly recommended.

— Carolyn Bross, Amazon Reviewer